"Last date of counselling (Session-1&2) is 30th July 2024"

Quality of Education

Quality of Education of Participating Institutes


Experienced Faculty

We have our own experienced academicians from IIT and NIT’s to prepare our students for an evolved era of digitalized world for that we have launched cutting – edge upgraded programs in collaboration with Google, NIIT etc.

Our overall focus is to become a highly proficient organization which can deliver extraordinary learning experience to B. Tech students. We are supporting students by providing a robust platform of advanced software’s relevant online & offline classes to various domains of design and engineering like MATLAB, AutoCad, SPSS, Image Anaylzer etc.

AIEESE support deserving students by giving scholarship in learning the most advanced technologies to be competitive and job oriented. With this vision, we have introduced new generation of programs and training classes to uplift the employment potentiality of B. Tech students.

Students are mentored by the industry-leading experts. Regular workshops and events are held to enhance the entrepreneurial spirit of the students. We coordinate and provide hands-on training to introduce students with industry interface.

We are organizing activities/seminars/events/lectures to promote and support the entrepreneurial spirit of the candidates.


Research & Development

Research establishment in India has been growing significantly from the past decade-and-a-half. Liberalization and subsequent opening of the Indian economy from 1991 onwards are beginning to make significant impacts.

As India continues on a sustained growth trajectory, the need for a robust R&D ecosystem coupled with an increased investment both by the private sector and the government in R&D gains significance.

There are 6862 R&D institutions in the Country. The share of various sectors in total number of R&D institutions is: Central Government 8.9%, State Governments 15.3%, Higher Education Sector 10.2% Private Sector including Scientific & Industrial Research organizations 63.1% and Public Sector Industry including State Public Sector 2.5%. Refer https://dst.gov.in/

Promotion of Academia/Industry partnerships is taking shape as there is a push to enhance entrepreneurship and innovation culture by the Govt. Our educational institutes are developing students and engineers who are equipped not only to identify problems but also innovative solutions which they are patenting at http://www.ipindia.nic.in

Research and development (R&D) include activities that companies undertake to innovate and introduce new products and services. It is often the first stage in the development process. The goal is typically to take new products and services to market and add to the company's bottom line.
Research and development – R&D – is the process by which a company works to obtain new knowledge that it might use to create new technology, products, services, or systems that it will either use or sell.

The term R&D is widely linked to innovation both in the corporate and government world or the public and private sectors. R&D allows a company to stay ahead of its competition. Without an R&D program, a company may not survive on its own and may have to rely on other ways to innovate such as engaging in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) or partnerships. Through R&D, companies can design new products and improve their existing offerings.

R&D is separate from most operational activities performed by a corporation. The research and/or development is typically not performed with the expectation of immediate profit. Instead, it is expected to contribute to the long-term profitability of a company. R&D may lead to patents, copyrights, and trademarks as discoveries are made and products created.


Global Exposure

The scholarship examination (AIEESE) is being conducted at a global level bringing in about 10% of overseas students aspiring to study in Indian Universities/colleges. The intermingling of global students helps to understand values such as adaptability, cultural awareness, and tolerance a requisite of MNC jobs.

Brainztorm has tied up with MNC’s i.e. Microsoft, Google, HP, Bosch etc. leading experts to provide hands-on training to students with industry interface and visiting faculty of world reputed universities to conduct seminars/ events/ lectures for extra ordinary learning experiences of global standard in our partner colleges/universities.

Brainztorm has MOU’s with foreign universities for the students exchange programs facilitating global connections to improve analytical abilities, helps students to come out of their comfort zones to compete globally.

Global exposure could well be the difference between one candidate being offered a job over the other. Working internationally broadens your horizons and gives you the opportunity to explore a new country and understand how things work overseas.

Why gain international experience? International experience through volunteering or interning, allows you to learn about cultures, ideas, values, beliefs, and religions practiced by people around the world. You'll broaden your worldview, add to your personal development, and be part of a global community.

Work Exposure covers activities that reveal ideas, information, and concepts about a relatively unknown world of work and career development by young people. Work Exploration covers activities in which young people explore, examine, and investigate a new and/or unexpected world of work.


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